Coming Soon
Until June 30, 2025 customers can still use the Tennesse Hunting License and the WMA Permit to ride on North Cumberland WMA. Starting July 1, 2025, the Tennessee Hunting License and the WMA Permit will not be valid, and those users must purchase the TWRA North Cumberland WMA OHV Riding Permit.
Until June 30, 2025, customers may also use the TWRA High Impact Permit to ride on North Cumberland WMA. Starting July 1, 2025, any TWRA High Impact Permit purchased prior to July 1, 2025 will be valid to ride on North Cumberland WMA until the expiration date (365 days from purchase). Any High Impact Permit purchased on or after July 1, 2025, is NOT valid to ride North Cumberland WMA. Users purchasing a permit on or after July 1, 2025, to ride on North Cumberland WMA must purchase the TWRA North Cumberland OHV Riding Permit.
For a speedy check in process on day of arrival, please visit the State website at Every vehicle will need a permit and you can print them conveniently at home. Permit must be carried with you at all times and made available upon request. You can also download and complete the Liability Waiver in advance of your arrival and take a look at our General Information and Rules (link to internal ERRC “Rules and Campground Rules” page)
Tennessee Resident
DAILY PERMIT: Type 36, Cost $18 per day ANNUAL PASS: Type 1 plus Type 93, Cost $56 JUNIOR ANNUAL (13±): Type 70 plus Type 94, Cost $35 NOTE: A Sportsman and Lifetime License holder as well as Active Military Member will cover your riding permit.
Out of State Visitor
DAILY PERMIT: Type 38, Cost $40 SEVEN DAY PASS: Type 72 plus Type 93, Cost $84 ANNUAL PASS: Type 71 plus Type 93, Cost $133 JUNIOR ANNUAL (13±): Type 70 plus Type 94, Cost $36 Passengers and Children 12 and under are FREE.